FDM technology for 3D printing with thermoplastics

3D printing technology FDM (Fuse Deposition Modeling) is a process that involves extruding thermoplastic polymer using a heated nozzle which melts the polymer and deposits them on a printing platform – layer by layer – until the part is complete. The prototype is created bottom-up: when necessary, a removable support structure is built upon which the head lays the filament. FDM 3D printers can operate with a wide range of thermoplastic – low melt and high melt polymer – to be chosen according to application areas and use environments. FDM printing technology is among the most common, well-established and most reliable for producing fully functional components with thermal, chemical and mechanical resistance. It meets the most demanding requests in terms of reliability, performance, and print volume.

Benefits of FDM printing

FDM technology has the benefit of employing extremely durable, stable materials with very good mechanical properties and a high degree of precision and reproducibility. The materials employed in this production technology are ideal to build detailed functional prototypes, and long-lasting and limited-run manufacturing tools. Also:

  • it is a clean technology
  • production thermoplastics are mechanically and ecologically sustainable
  • it makes simple to realize more complex geometries

FDM’s application areas

By using FDM technology, one can produce virtually any geometry, regardless of its level of complexity. It should come as no surprise, then, that its application areas are as diverse as automotive, homedesign, biomedical, and a wide variety of industrial fields. The possibility to produce complex parts intended for the final use makes it an accessible and versatile technology, both for the production of suitability and functional test prototypes and for the part validation right in the production materials. Controllo Qualità srl carefully examines your production needs and guides you in choosing the most suitable and cost-efficient 3D printing technology.